It is compulsory for the students of all classes to appear in all the school assessments/examinations. The admit card of those in senior classes would be withheld for breach of school discipline and the matter be brought to the notice of the CBSE.
The students of I to X will take assessments in accordance with the guidelines set by the CBSE.
The students of class XI will take three assessments, a quarterly, a half yearly and a final examination.
The students of Class XII will take three assessments, a quarterly, a half yearly and Pre-board among other preparatory examinations.
If a student is found using unfair means during examination s/he will not be marked for the subjects and no retest will be taken.
No assessment will be conducted before or after the stipulated dates.
For promotion to the next class students of classes I to IX should secure a minimum cumulative grade / marks in all subjects in the final result, as prescribed by the CBSE.
The students of class XI should pass in theory and practical examination separately.
Decisions regarding promotions are final and will not be reconsidered.